Dani Jo will use her psychic and mediumship abilities to help you heal your grief, your relationships, your life, and your soul.

What to expect

Dani Jo is an intuitive healer who will use all her senses when working on your behalf. As your session begins, she will intuitively allow Spirit to work through her, bringing peace through messages and intuitive guidance.

As an evidential medium, Dani Jo will share details about your loved ones so that you know that loved ones in Spirit are present. As a psychic, she can tap into the guidance that is in the highest good of your situation. Your session can include details about your life purpose or your past, present, and future.

If you allow yourself to surrender and be present for Spirit to share the messages you need you will get the most out of your session. There is no guarantee that you will hear from a specific person in a reading. If you surrender and allow Spirit to speak, Dani Jo will help you through messages of love and encouragement.

Your session can be messages from loved ones, life guidance, or a combination. Dani Jo may use tarot or oracle cards if she feels inclined or if you request them.

Who may benefit

A reading can bring peace to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one or pet. Having the validation through evidence that your loved ones are still very much around you and want you to be happy can bring a sense of peace like no other.

Those seeking life guidance, past life details, or life purpose direction will receive information to understand your past, present, or future. Your path is unique because you choose the direction and should continue to do so even with guidance from an intuitive healer.

A reading is for one person. A reading for two is just that, a two-person session. Small groups are for 3 to 5 individuals. Large groups of 6 to 9 can be booked by calling our office at 605-569-1417. Large groups can occasionally be accommodated at your location. Travel fees may apply.

How to Prepare

Whether this is your first session or you are a returning client, Dani Jo’s warm, compassionate nature will put you at ease.


Have an open mind

Come with an open mind and heart and be willing to allow Spirit to lead your session. If you wish to hear from loved ones, put your request out to them and ask them to join us. Know that Spirit has a plan greater than our own and you will surely get what you need if you release control.


Bring items belonging to loved ones

If you come in person, you are welcome to bring items that belonged to loved ones including pictures, clothing, jewelry, or personal items. Please be sure to check the location address so you arrive on time. Dani Jo records her sessions, but you are welcome to take notes.


Virtual Appointment

If you book a virtual appointment, Dani Jo prefers to use Zoom. You do not have to have a Zoom account to use it. The meeting ID will be 365 082 5430. Write this down.

Book Your Class

For groups of 6 or more, please contact our office for availability. 605-569-1417